Year 4 (2024-2025)
Year 4 2024-2025
Welcome to Year 4
Meet the team...
Teacher: Mrs Morgan
TA: Mrs Sheppard
Please see the attached documents below for a brief overview of some of the exciting things we will learn about this year! Homework is set on a Tuesday to be returned the following Monday.
In Spring term, we have PE on a Wednesday, so PE kit should be worn in. We are also fortunate to have bi-weekly Swimming sessions on a Tuesday. Please ensure you have your swimming kit with you on these days.
Remember to keep an eye on Dojo and the school Newsletter for exciting updates about coming events and the amazing things we achieve!
The children had a very exciting visit from Roaming Reptiles. They learned about several different species and loved meeting the animals!
In Maths, Year 4 enjoyed learning to read and write numbers to 100 in Roman numerals!
Year 4 loved our sessions at the Forest of Dean Gym. The children refined their technique of forward rolls, cart wheels and various other moves before taking part in a circuit to practise many different gymnastic skills. They improves technique and built on their core strength. Great perseverance from everyone!
The children are enjoying our weekly Forest Adventures session with Mrs Rees. We are loving exploring outside, using, learning and helping nature... all while having SO much fun!
In PE this term, our topic/area of learning is Dance! The children are enjoying being creative, energetic and thinking about choreography!
Year 4 enjoyed taking part in the Santa Dash Daily Mile on Christmas Jumper Day!
In Maths, the children have been using formal methods of Multiplication and Division. They have also been using counters to do this practically!
In Science, we have been learning about Electricity. The children made their own simple circuits using a battery, two wires and a bulb.
- Year 4-Newsletter Autumn 2024-2025 .pdf
- Year 4-Autumn 1 Sycamore_ core subj overview ppt_2024-2025.pdf
In Science, we have been learning about Electricity. The children made their own simple circuits using a battery, two wires and a bulb.
In Art, the children enjoyed learning about WW1 Dazzle Camouflage and designing their own dazzle boats.
In Maths, the children have been using formal methods of Multiplication and Division. They have also been using counters to do this practically!
In Science, we have been learning about Electricity. The children made their own simple circuits using a battery, two wires and a bulb.