At Ellwood Community Primary School we believe that high quality RE lessons contribute to the personal development of pupils. RE is not simply about gaining knowledge and understanding about religions and beliefs. It makes a significant contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, as well as important opportunities for exploring British Values.  Children learn to make sense of beliefs, understand the impact of these beliefs and make connections between beliefs.

Beech Class have made bread to help them to retell the story of Jesus feeds the 5000.
Chestnut Class are learning about Judaism.
Autumn 1 2022-2023
Chestnut class have started their unit on 'Who are Muslims and how do they live?' We started by looking at prayer mats, prayer beads, the Quran and listening to the 'Call to Prayer'. The children asked questions which we then researched to find out the answers. We have listened to stories such as 'The Crying Camel and Bilal and the Butterfly'. 
Visit to Coalway Methodist Chapel
Chestnut and Beech had a lovely time visiting Rev Michelle at Coalway Methodist Chapel. It was great to be able to look at the features of the building. We learnt about the key characters in the nativity. We were very lucky as Rev Michelle also gave each child a nativity Christmas tree decoration. Thank you Rev Michelle.
As part of our RE unit this term Beech class have been learning about promises we make at special ceremonies in different religions. Rev Michelle came to show us some items used during Baptisms.
Sycamore have been learning about baptism. They have looked at what baptism is, the baptism of Jesus by exploring scripture (Matthew 3:13-17) and looked at what happens in a baptism service. 
Sycamore have been learning about Hinduism. They have explored the story of Rama and Sita and explored how Hindus celebrate Diwali. They made their own lamps and lit sparklers!
Children have been acting out Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We looked at scripture and thought about the emotions on these different days and why. 
Gloucester Cathedral Visit
On Monday 18th March Year 3, 4 and 5 visited Gloucester Cathedral. We had a lovely day touring the Cathedral and identifying features of religious places. We were inspired by the Stained Glass Windows, stone work and art within the building. 
In Oak Class we have been learning about Diwali “The festival of Light” we listened to and talked about the beautiful sounds of Diwali music and made Diya Lamps using clay, colourful beads and tea lights.
Yom Kippur
During one of our assemblies to celebrate special times we learnt about Yom Kippur. We enjoyed thinking about how to start the year a fresh.
We have all been celebrating harvest in school, we were very sad that families couldn't join us. Here you can see some of the things we have been doing.
Thank you so much for all the kind donations !!
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