Gardening Club

I am so excited to be back with Garden Club.  There is a long waiting list which I will work through over the next three terms so everyone will get a turn.  The first group love digging and we have made a huge difference with tidying the winter debris in readiness for spring sowing and topping up the raised beds with compost.  I have lots of ideas for the coming weeks so be sure to look over the fence regularly or take a look around the garden with you children.
The second group of gardeners enjoyed warmer weather, seed planting and planting out.  The whole school celebrated 'World Bee Day' on the 20th of May and we continued our bee fence inspired by the story 'Omar and the Bees.'  The children  also enjoyed spotter hunts of flowers and mini beasts and lots more.  It's hard to remember to take photos when we are fitting so much in !!
"Parents are complimentary of the variety of clubs on offer. These include gardening, art ,
gymnastics and multi sports".