Chestnut Class 2024-2025

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Poetry Basket

Each year group will be learning at least 2 poems each term (please note the poems below have been chosen for children in Year 1).

We will perform and video our poems at the end of the term for you to enjoy!

Why is Poetry important?

"Learning poems together is an enjoyable way of experiencing the play of language

Reciting poetry creates a close bond between the adult and the child

Saying poems out loud emphasises the sounds and rhythms of language or the syllables contained in each word, a vital part of learning to read.

When reciting a poem with actions, children discover and use new words in an almost effortless way.

As children recite poetry, the neurons in their brain light up. By repeating and learning new poems regularly, they strengthen their ability for memorising in this way.

The more poems children hear and recite, the more capable they become of recognising and memorising patterns, a vital part of early maths."  Helicopter Stories 

In History we have been learning about Transport. On Wednesday 18th September, we visited Forest of Dean Railway and had an exciting train ride! The children were given a tour of the platform and the museum. 
In Maths, we have been learning place value within 10. We have been identifying 1 more and 1 less than a given number. 
Friday 13th September
To celebrate Roald Dahl, we made rocky road biscuits.